Three Things I’m Thankful For

I am very thankful for three things. One thing I’m thankful for is my mom. I am thankful for her because she dose a lot for me and my friends and whenever I need her or her to pick me up from somewhere she will stop whatever she’s doing and put me first. The second thing I’m thankful for is clothes. If I didn’t have clothes in this life I honestly don’t know how I wouldn’t live. I just love them so much that I could never just not have so much of them. The last thing I’m greatful for is coffee. If I didn’t have coffee in my life I wouldn’t live at all. I have my iced coffee every morning especially at Starbucks and it keeps me going throughout the day.

Rad Reading- October

For this month, I read Guts by Raina Telgemeier. This story is about Rainas 4th grade year/ her little self. Raina has really bad stomach cramping and she cant explain it at all. Raina has worrying thoughts over her troubles at home, school, her general life, and hunger. Rainas whole situation is just a matter of her picking up the stomach bug that’s been going around. Little by little you see the things that are really stressing her out. She’s also coming up against her first major school bully. She’s then asked to give a important presentation to the class but she’s worried because some of her friends are already going through puberty. Her also best friend is moving witch means changing schools and becoming friends with her bully. There is a lot going on with her in her life but to add more stress, Rainas grandmother moves in and now she is forced to share a room with her parents. Over the time Raina now has a phobia of vomiting. Rainas food disorder gets a little out of hand and she goes through a fear of what foods might trigger her mind and add to her eating disorder. Then Raina’s parents decide to take her to a therapist. Raina’s therapist teaches her breathing techniques to control her anxiety. She also shows her an exercise which has Raina focus on her feet when she feels like the world around her is spinning. Little at a time, Raina finds healthy, what they call, “coping mechanisms” to help her mind find peace in drawing comics, and writing scenes on what’s going on around her.

I recommend reading this book because the book shows what life is like with anxiety and how to handle it well. I like how the book shows that your not alone and that there are ways to smartly find solutions to personal things. This book relates to lots of personal life things that I think would really help people in life.

My favorite character from the book is Lauren Rainas therapist. Lauren is my favorite character because she cares for other people and she helps people no matter what situation they are in especially Raina. Raina was in a pretty bad situation with her struggles like her vomiting issues and her school bully but Lauren gives Raina helpful breathing techniques and how she should handle things differently then she is now.

My favorite quote from this book is, “Thoughts can exist, feelings can exist, but words do not always exist.” This is my favorite quote because this has to do a lot with Rainas life because her thoughts always exist in real life on what’s going on around her, and when she was bullied at school Raina also has feelings so this quote kind on reminds me of her a little bit. Also I think the last sentence really describes Raina because words always made her upset and mad and she really should’ve just brushed words off of her instead of getting upset over them.

My Three Wishes

I have been granted three wishes. My fist wish would be to have one million dollars. I would wish for that because I would want to buy a beach house right on the sand. My happy place is the beach so it would be nice if I can have a house there to. My second wish would be to have unlimited clothes. I love clothes and a lot of clothes that I get are very expensive so I wouldn’t really have to worry that much on how much I get and how everything costs at the end. I also only like to where name brand clothes so to have unlimited of what I want would be a tiny bit easier. My third last wish would be to travel anywhere I want without me having to be busy with something. I want to travel to all the places that have a beach so I could experience more different beaches to what we have here.